Buku Tamu


Cool songs @Twilight

I've watched Twilight last night and found really cool songs. Check out those lyrics!

Decode Paramore

How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
I can't win your losing fight all the time
How can I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No not this time
Not this time

How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well I will figure this one out
On my own
(I'm screaming "I love you so")
On my own
(My thoughts you can't decode)

How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well, yeah
How did we get here?
Well I think I know

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves


How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well

I think I know
I think I know

Ooh, there is something
I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true

Watch the official video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvnkAtWcKYg&ob=av2e

Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I’m done here
So if you’re asking me I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest (2x)
Don’t be afraid
I’ve taking my beating
I’ve shared what I’ve been
I’m strong on the surface
not all the way through
I’ve never been perfect
but neither have you
So if you’re asking me I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest (2x) 
All the hurt inside you’ve learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can’t be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest (2x)
All the hurt inside you’ve learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can’t be who you are 
I can’t be who you are

Watch the official video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZIummTz9mM&feature=player_embedded


Get to know them ;)

All I wrote in my blog are mostly about my life and stories I made these days. Special in today's entry, I'm writing about my friends. About their hobbies, personalities, just to let me know how much I know them. It's about my 6 friends in X7, I disguise their names for privacy ;)

1. Vivi
Now let me start with my closest friend among those 6, Vivi. We're close enough probably cos we're the quiet ones. 
Hobbies: listening for K-Pop or watching Korean videos, all things about Korea! Before I knew her, I really really don't care about it. Then she introduce me to some boybands she likes the most. I only remember Beast, Suju, and.. I forgot the others. To be honest, I don't care about cute boys. What I meant here: really cute boys who look like girls, nah I don't like them. Not my type.
Personalities: We share secrets about boys we like although none of us know the other's crush. It's great talking to her. I trust her with this secret, I think she won't tell anyone about my crush.
Bad thing: The only bad thing is, she sometimes makes me feel like Captain Obvious. I know she's not in a good mood when she does it.

2. Vinvin
Hobbies: Manga-maniac, terrific artist, sports addicted, the most tomboy girl in the class, and she's also my first friend in X7. No wonder she gets closed to me sometimes. I felt like we're similar, the tomboy part. I was once a tomboy girl before Junior High transform me into a quiet nice girl. Everyone won't believe me I used to fight with boys, not literally actually. I used to friends with boys, not even shy to play hard with them. They're nice to me, why shouldn't I? And by the way, back to Vinvin. She sometimes helps me with math too if I couldn't solve geometry problems. 
Personalities: A very indifferent girl. The girls used to talk each other, spreading gossips and she doesn't even care. I like her decision to study and pay attention at the teachers no matter what the girls talking about.
Bad thing: Sometimes a very indifferent girl doesn't have sensitive side, and that's the way I look at her. She just told the sad person to chill out. I think she's not good enough to be the shoulder to cry on, but who knows?

3. Felfel
Hobbies: She sits beside me, along with Vivi. Yeah, we had that special triple tables in class because the number of students are odd. Actually I don't know her hobby cos she never mention it. All I know is she can dance, she's always avoiding scary stories, and she likes gossips. Where there's a new gossip, she always wants to go there and be the first to tell all of us about it. Sometimes I feel annoyed when she doesn't want to tell me the gossip cos she wants to spread it to the others first. 
Personalities and Bad things: All in the package above ;)

4. Sansan
Hobbies: Gossiping, talking when the teachers are teaching, and told us scary stories are the most common things about her. She's the most fun girl among us, although she doesn't attract boys. Probably cos boys don't want to waste their time getting to know her. Boys.. they just want to attract beautiful and cute girls, don't even realize their own face. She also loves manga and comics, reads fantasy novels like I do, and she's the one who always comes up with brilliant ideas. She arranges cooking event among us 7 for holiday activity. Although I didn't make it there cos I got that damn stomachache on my second day of the period. 
Personalities and Bad things: I think she can be moody sometimes. I even thought she doesn't want me cos I'm dull. It just comes up in my mind so I erase it immediately in order to avoid any other negative thoughts. Silly thoughts, of course it's not true. Such a terrible friend I am. Maybe she wants to be alone that moment and I disturb her. I'm just trying to be as normal as possible after that terrible thoughts come up and sometimes it success.

5. Belbel
Hobbies and Personalities: Really nice girl, always laugh, great partner of Sansan, and draw really great drawings. I don't really know her private lives, but she never annoys me. She's the nicest one. Always invites me to the conversation whether the others want me or not. I think I haven't see the bad things from her. Maybe because I don't really know her well.

6. Monmon
Last but not least. I put her in number 6 but it doesn't mean I don't like her.
Hobbies: Similar to Vivian, she really loves everything about Korea specially Kim Bum from Boys Before Flowers. She's pretty smart, with all those good grades though she doesn't take any courses. It bothers me sometimes, cos we both don't take courses but she sometimes has better grades than I am. Of course I don't tell her about this.
Personalities and Bad things: Sometimes she acts like Sansan did to me, or like Vivi did to me by making me feels like Captain Obvious. But it doesn't matter anymore cos she's being nice to me now. I already knew her for 4 years but never this close. She's a fun girl too, and cute although she's getting 17 this year. The cutest are Monmon and Belbel between us 7, but don't let them know this, LOL. 

So that's about my closest friends in X7. No offense, I'm being honest with my own writing. I know behind those bad things they're just a bunch of normal teenagers who want to find their true identity. But there's got to be something that keep us unique. Yeah, I prefer to be called as unique instead of weird. So don't judge someone else's personalities if you don't even care to get to know them. 


My Dilema #curcol #bahasabaku

Teenagers.. Trap in some kind of twist between maturing child and young adult. We don't want to be treated like child but we also don't want responsibilities adults would take. 

Kadang hal ini muncul begitu saja di pikiranku. Betapa inginnya aku sebagai remaja yang hampir berusia 16 tahun untuk kembali menjadi anak-anak. Menjadi dewasa berarti dituntut untuk selalu berpikiran rasional. Wajib memikul tanggung jawab. Apalagi sebagai anak sulung yang harus memberi contoh baik setiap hari kepada adik-adiknya. Sementara menjadi anak-anak bisa lebih bebas dari tanggung jawab. Kelebihan lainnya adalah bebas berimajinasi. Tumbuh bersama cerita fantasi seperti Harry Potter (yang sampai sekarang tetap menjadi cerita favoritku) sungguh membangkitkan imajinasi. Aku masih ingat dahulu aku ingin sekali menjadi penyihir, seperti Hermione tokoh Harry Potter favoritku. Hermione yang pintar juga membuatku terobsesi untuk belajar dan mendapat nilai bagus sewaktu masih SD. Yah, sewaktu SMP dan SMA aku memang tidak terlalu bersemangat meraih gelar juara selayaknya waktu SD. Namun seiring waktu berjalan dan seiring umurku bertambah, aku mau tidak mau menerima kenyataan bahwa hal-hal seperti itu hanya ada dalam imajinasi saja, tidak di dunia nyata. Seperti yang kubilang sebelumnya, aku semakin berpikiran logis. Ambil contoh saja vampir. Aku ingin memercayai bahwa mereka ada dan tidak semua jahat, layaknya dalam "Twilight". Semakin aku tenggelam dalam kisahnya, sisi dewasaku terus memaksaku untuk berpikiran logis. Bahwa mereka tidak nyata dan jika mereka nyata pun sudah punah. Bagaimana mungkin ada manusia meminum darah, pencernaan mereka kan tidak didesain demikian. Itulah yang kubenci dari sisi dewasaku yang belakangan ini mulai mendominasi. Aku ingin memercayai bahwa werewolf itu sungguhan, bukan hanya penyakit konyol sebagaimana dikatakan peneliti. Aku ingin memercayai bahwa penyihir memang masih ada, tidak habis dilalap api pada abad ke 17. Dan yang terpenting dari semuanya, aku ingin sekali memercayai kisah yang berakhir bahagia atau "Happy Ending". Sejauh ini aku masih belum percaya, karena belum mengalaminya. Aku masih percaya pada cerita dimana tokoh jahat selalu mendominasi. Mungkin sesuai dengan suasana hatiku :P
Anyway, inti dari tulisanku ini, aku ingin masih bisa berkhayal seperti ketika masih kecil. Mungkin pelajaran yang berat banget di sekolahku merangsang logikaku terlalu dalam sehingga aku hampir tidak memercayai imajinasi itu sendiri. Aku hanya bisa berharap ketika dewasa sepenuhnya nanti aku tidak akan pernah melupakan imajinasi masa kecilku. Karena hidup tanpa imajinasi dan impian akan terasa hampa dan membosankan.


Stephanie's Confession (Chapter 4 - It's been a year)

It's been a year since I've got that first pain...
19 Maret. Gue akan selalu mengingat tanggal itu. Hari itu tepat setahun yang lalu, gue sadar Dan sama sekali berbeda dari dugaan gue. Yah, dugaan gue dia punya maksud di balik semua perhatian yang dia berikan. Dia adalah teman curhat sekaligus motivator gue di kala gue down. Gue emang tau dia lagi naksir satu cewek tapi dia selalu ada di saat gue butuh nasihat dan semacamnya. Dan hari itu, 19 Maret, pulang sekolah, tiba-tiba aja dia marah-marah ke gue dan beralasan lagi bad mood. Gue udah pernah cerita soal itu sebelumnya, dan hari ini gue kembali mengenang hari itu. Gue kembali duduk di hadapan komputer yang sama seperti waktu gue dulu chat dengan dia. Bahkan untuk menulis kalimat ini pun gue masih memikirkan dia. Gue yakin 100% dia lupa dengan apa yang terjadi pada 19 Maret tahun lalu. Dia gak pernah menganggap pernah marahin gue dan gak pernah kepikiran untuk minta maaf karena udah "menyakiti" gue. Gue sendiri heran, dimarahin dia aja gue rasanya kayak abis diputusin. Gue terus meyakinkan diri gue sendiri bahwa gue gak akan pernah "suka" sama Dan. Namun betapa kerasnya gue berusaha, gue gak akan memungkiri bahwa gue merasa kehilangan dia. Kehilangan seseorang yang telah berminggu-minggu memberikan sedikit perhatiannya dan menjadi teman curhat buat gue. Mungkin rasa kehilangan ini hanya sebagai teman, dan gue akan terus menganggapnya begitu. Dan juga hanya menganggap selama ini kita hanya berteman, sama sekali gak ada yang spesial. Gue mungkin cuma kesepian, tanpa dia yang setiap malam chat rasanya emang beda. Tapi gue yakin suatu saat akan bertemu seseorang yang tepat buat gue, entah berapa lama. Yang bisa gue lakukan sekarang cuma bersyukur, Tuhan memang memilihkan jalan yang terbaik buat gue. Berpisah dengan dia dan gak pernah berkomunikasi lagi. Sepertinya memang jalan terbaik buat gue, daripada gue harus menanggung sakit hati lebih lama lagi bersama freak itu. Bukan cuma marah tanpa sebab, dia juga mudah menuduh tanpa bukti. Yah.. Gue hanya bisa mendoakan yang terbaik.
So then I play that song he gave me, which is also given to that one girl he likes, and say "Happy March 19th..."


Quotes Galau ♥

1. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

2. It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

3. Sometimes, I just remember the memory when I was with you and it makes me miss You, miss the old you exactly

4. I'm sad, hurt, angry, mad, disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a smile and move on. It will hurt but i will survive.

5. Don't cry over someone who broke your heart to pieces, smile to the other one who can bring it back altogether again

6. A strong girl is a someone who can cry themselves to sleep at night and wake up with a smile on their face.

7. Dear Brain, I'm sorry for filling you with thoughts of him. Dear Pillow, I'm sorry for all the tears. Dear Heart, I'm sorry for all the damage.

8. I hide all my problems behind my smile. Behind my smile is a world of pain. You think you know me, but you have no idea.

9.  I'm an artist; I paint on a smile. I'm an actress; I hold back the tears. I'm a doctor; trying to fix a broken heart.

10. In life, sometimes all you can do is smile and move on with your day, hold back your tears and pretend you're okay.

11. We ignore each other, pretend the other person doesn't exist but deep down, we both know it wasn't supposed to end like this.

12. Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.

13. Sorry is nothing, the real apology comes when you can look in their eyes and see they hurt themselves just as much.

14. You shouldn't miss people who don't miss you , right?

15. Each tear is an unforgettable memory. Each smile is an undeniable mark. Each heartbreak is an uneraseable scar.

16. Don't cry over the past, its gone. Don't stress about the future,it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.

17. It may seem as the hardest thing to do, but you have to forget the guy who forgot about you.

18. Sometimes, it's not the song that makes you emotional, it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.

19. A real man sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.

20. Just because you don’t see the tears on the outside doesn’t mean it isn’t pouring on the inside.

21. I can forget the tears and the hurt you put me through, but I can't forget the laughs and the sweet moment with you. No matter how much...

22.  When you're hurt, you've got two choices; you can either sit and cry, or spread your wings and fly.

Source: my twitter :)


Stephanie's Confession (Chapter 3 - His Past Flashback)

Dear Diary,
Oke gue flashback dikit. Dulu Dan pernah ditolak cewek. Gak lama setelah itu kabarnya dia suka cewek lain. Gue gak pernah mengira itu Jo. Gue segera berpendapat Dan itu playboy. Segitu cepetnya dia move on? Gue bahkan gak yakin dia suka cewek itu sepenuh hati. Aneh. Gue dan Jo bisa dibilang cukup dekat dengan cewek itu. Sifat curigaan cewek itu muncul ketika dia bilang ke kita berdua kalo Dan cuma mau manfaatin Jo untuk deketin dia lagi. Jo sontak gak percaya. Jo adalah cewek berpikiran optimis dan selalu memandang sisi baik orang lain. Beda sama gue. Gue orang yang pesimis dan suka menjudge orang sembarangan. Gue segera aja percaya dugaannya. Entah siapa yang nguping, Dan tau kabar tentang dugaan ini. Dia ngelabrak cewek itu lewat telpon di pagi buta. Adu mulut pun gak bisa dihindarkan. Cewek itu bilang ke Dan bukan dia yang nyebarin kabar dugaan itu. Cewek itu emang gak nyebarin sih, tapi kan dia yang bikin dugaan. Dan langsung percaya, bahkan minta maaf ke cewek itu. Berpindahlah kecurigaan Dan ke gue. Dan bahkan gak curiga ke Jo. Hal ini yang bikin gue mikir Dan gak akan menuduh orang yang dia suka, yaitu Jo. Setelah cewek itu bilang bukan dia yang nyebarin gosip, Dan percaya aja. Wajar, dia pernah naksir sama cewek itu. Dan gak pernah punya feeling apa-apa ke gue, bagi dia gue cuma temannya. Syukurlah karena gue juga menganggap Dan begitu. Sampai hari itu. Jo cerita ke gue Dan sekarang curiga ke gue. Secara gak langsung menurut gue Dan mendeklarasikan perang dingin. Sejak hari itu gue sama Dan gak pernah berkomunikasi, baik ketemuan maupun chat dan sms. Gue bener-bener merasa masa lalu Dan mempengaruhi hidup gue. Awalnya gue menyesali pertemuan dan obrolan kita. Gue nyesel kenapa gue bisa pernah deket sama dia. Gue nangis. Ya, gue akui gue bisa kalah sama cowok. Tengah malam gue nangis di atas bantal guling gue, supaya keluarga gue gak ada yang tau. Lalu gue akan merasa seperti orang paling bodoh sedunia. Ngapain gue nangisin dia? Emang dia siapanya gue? Gebetan bukan, cowok gue juga bukan. Kenapa harus nangis Step? Relakan aja cowok brengsek itu, toh bukan siapa-siapa lu. Cuma teman. Kehilangan 1 teman aja lu harus nangis? Bodoh. Gue terus meyakinkan diri gue sendiri kalo gue itu cewek yang tegar. Udah 1 tahun berlalu, gue udah bisa melupakan dia. Tapi gue gak akan bisa menahan jantung gue yang berdebar marah setiap kali melihat dia. Gue belum melupakan dia. Gue gak akan bisa melupakan dia. Segitu dekatnya gue sama dia dahulu sampe gue gak bisa menghilangkan rasa kecewa itu? Gue cewek yang mudah menaruh kepercayaan pada orang lain. Namun ketika dia bahkan gak menaruh kepercayaan ke gue dan memfitnah gue, gue gak akan pernah percaya lagi sama dia. Inget kan pepatah fitnah lebih kejam dari pembunuhan? Nah lu udah melakukan itu ke gue. Sampe sekarang aja gue bertanya-tanya, apakah gue suka sama dia? Lalu gue meyakinkan diri gue sendiri bahwa gue suka dengan perhatiannya, sama sekali gak suka orangnya. Temen-temen gue bilang dia itu freak. Dan gue udah tau kenapa. Lewat tulisan di diary ini gue berharap bisa melegakan hati gue yang masih terbebani. Dan tentu aja gue terus berdoa pada Tuhan buat dia. Semoga kalau akhirnya Dan dan Jo jadi, Jo gak akan pernah tersakiti. Mark my words Dan, kalo lu nyakitin dia lu berhadapan dengan gue.


or will it be continued? nobody knows but God :)