How did you feel when you were betrayed? What should you do when all your friends turned their back against you? To defend a 'friend' who blame you for a misunderstood fault. You thought you were right but the gank decided to accuse you. For one simple misunderstood. You knew it was all 'her' fault but what can you do? Gossips were spreaded among them. When they believe 'her' stories, who else want to listen to yours? Helpless.
Rekomendasi novel bagus menurut gw (Part 1)
Guten nacht! >.<
Di entri kali ini gw mau bahas share novel2 dari beberapa genre fiksi yang pernah gw baca dan suka. Gw mengelompokkannya jadi genre fantasy dan remaja (teenlit, metropop)
A. Fantasy
1. Harry Potter (1-7)
Buku kesukaan gw sepanjang masa! Buku ini juga yang sukses membuat gw menyukai hal-hal berbau dongeng, sihir, dan keajaiban. Two thumbs up for J.K Rowling!
2. Percy Jackson (1-5), Heroes of Olympus (1-2), Kane Chronicles (1-2)
Gw udah baca semua buku Percy Jackson tapi baru 2 buku Heroes of Olympus dan Kane Chronicles. Belom baca sisanya soalnya masih banyak ulangan dan tugas2 sekolah. Gw suka banget sama cerita2nya karena selain diceritakan dengan konyol, susunan kejadian pada semua buku Rick Riordan ini sepertinya udah tersusun dalam plot yang rapi dan menghasilkan efek sebab-akibat yang perfect.
3. Hunger Games (1-3)
Jujur aja awalnya gw gak tau novel ini bercerita tentang apa. Gw baru baca novelnya setelah filmnya keluar. Dari buku pertama sampai ketiga, gw paling suka buku pertamanya. Kenapa ya, mungkin karena gw ini tipe yang suka baca cerita cinta penuh pengorbanan (cieelah)
4. Twilight Saga (1-4)
Awalnya gw agak ragu mau baca buku ini. Gw sempat berpikir Twilight isinya cuma cerita cinta-cintaan yang nggak menarik sama sekali. Tapi begitu nonton filmnya, gw jadi penasaran sama cerita asli dari novelnya. Dugaan gw terbukti salah begitu gw menyelesaikan buku pertamanya. Memang acara cinta-cintaan yang jadi menu utamanya, namun ada sesuatu pada cara menulis Stephenie Meyer yang membuat gw kepengin cepet2 menyelesaikan novelnya.
5. Darren Shan Saga (1-12)
Berawal dari kesukaan gw pada vampir Twilight, gw mulai mencari-cari novel, film, apapun itu yang berbau vampir. Pernah, waktu itu gak sengaja buka Cinemax ketemu judul film Cirque du Freak: Vampire's Assistant. Gw pantengin filmnya dari awal sampe akhir. Entah kenapa gw suka, walaupun menurut gw kualitas filmnya kurang bagus dari aktor2nya sampai jalan ceritanya yang agak maksa. Tapi gw suka ide ceritanya dan itu cukup membuat gw menyukai filmnya. Dan betapa bahagianya gw menemukan buku Cirque du Freak dari Darren Shan Saga di perpus sekolah sebulan yang lalu. Setelah gw baca, seketika itu juga gw yakin udah jatuh cinta sama novel ini.
Here are some of the facts about Gemini that I got on twitter. I pick the ones which are mostly related to myself. For more facts, go to https://twitter.com/GeminiCares and follow it ;)
1.#Gemini have the hardest time opening up to love. When they do, they have the hardest time closing up to the one they feel for.
2. It's strange,#Gemini like being left alone, but hate feeling lonely.
3.#Gemini hate texting you first , it makes them feel like they are annoying you.
4.#Gemini can convince you that they are totally fine and a 100% happy when in reality its the complete opposite
5. I'm#Gemini. I text at the speed of light, listen to my music too loud, fall in love easily and get my heart broken.
6. You never know#Gemini until you walk in their shoes... or until you check their browser history.
7. When#Gemini are quiet they are over-thinking everything, and when they are loud and happy they are impulsive about everything
8. When#Gemini say "Don't worry about it, it's nothing I'm fine." You better worry about it, it's something, and they are anything but fine.
9. Smiling is the best way to face every problem for#Gemini.
10.#Gemini know that best things in life are free.
11. Sometimes#Gemini expect more from others because they would be willing to do that much for them.
12. For#Gemini love is not finding someone to live with ,it's finding someone they can't live without.
13.#Gemini is a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.
14.#Gemini feels so much but they don't say a word, they're screaming inside but they don't seem to heard.
15.#Gemini : Symbol- Twins, Element- Air, Planet- Mercury, Day- Wednesday, Color- Yellow, Metal- Quicksilver, Quality- Mutable, Numbers- 5,9.
16. Every#Gemini girl has three guys in her life: the one she loves, hates and one she can't live without. In the end, they're all the same.
17. No matter how many times#Gemini denies it, they'll always remember every detail, moment and memories you left for them.
18.#Gemini may go months without speaking, but can't go a day without that specific person across our mind.
19.#Gemini would rather have an honest enemy, than a fake friend.
20. Oh hi, we#Gemini only exist when you need something.
21.#Gemini are independent. It may be hard to talk to them at times because they do so well on their own and depend only on themselves.
22.#Gemini never fully reveal their true self to anyone, they believe that some things are better left untold.
23.#Gemini know that feeling when they want to say something but don't say it because they know it will start an argument.
24.#Gemini are not upset that you lied to them, but they are upset because from now on they won't be able to trust you anymore.
25.#Gemini may forget what you said, but they'll never forget how you made them feel.
2. It's strange,
5. I'm
6. You never know
7. When
8. When
9. Smiling is the best way to face every problem for
11. Sometimes
12. For
16. Every
17. No matter how many times
20. Oh hi, we
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