Buku Tamu


Kata2 Motivasi Ujian

Curcol dikit aja nih ya. Sebenernya latar belakang bikin entri begini bukan cuma untuk share kata motivasi (yang hasil cipet mbah google), tapi lagi galau banget nih -.- Selasa nanti bakal ada UAS dan gak yakin bakal bagus nilai matematikanya. Pas diitung2 kalo mau nilai rapot 70an, UAS kali ini nilai matnya mesti 90. Ada lagi sih alasan lain, tapi ga mau tulis disini (privacy :P)
Oke langsung aja kata2 motivasinya:


Now Playing | Lagu Galau ~

Taylor Swift - Crazier

You make me crazier crazier crazier
I watched from a distance as you made life your own 
Every sky was your own kind of blue 
And I wanted to know how that would feel 
And you made it so real 
You showed me something that I couldn’t see 
You opened my eyes and you made me believe.
You lift my feet off the ground 
You spin me around 
You make me crazier crazier 
Feels like I’m falling and I am lost in your eyes 
You make me crazier crazier crazier oh
Baby you showed me what livin’ is for 
I don’t wanna hide anymore
You lift my feet off the ground 
You spin me around 
You make me crazier crazier 
Feels like I’m falling and I’m lost in your eyes 
You make me crazier crazier crazier crazier crazier